A downloadable game

A wacky take on the classic 'Snake'.

The Brief

Working in allocated teams, you must create discipline-specific assets, towards what would be the concept phase of the Extended IP Game Genre assigned to you.

The Idea

The original Snake game has a ‘game space’ that the player must stay within in and collect the pickups to grow larger. My take on the classic was to allow for the player to choose a map they would like to play; this map system was created using a .txt file alongside a function to translate the map over to the game.

As well as this, I had created a multiplayer mode that allowed two players to play simultaneously, challenging each other to save who can grow larger while dodging the other.


Snake.zip 2 MB

Install instructions

To play, simply download and extract the files. Once complete, locate and open the application 'SnakeGame'.

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